
It is a wake up call!

After more than 20 years facilitating team development, we all know:

  • It needs more than just writing up ground rules onto a flipchart.

  • It needs more than just confirming overall strategy and objectives

  • It needs more than just identifying different personality styles

My objectives for team development are about:

Who are we as a team?
What can we expect from each other?
How do we manage conflict and misunderstandings?
How do we manage failure and success?
Where can we bond as a real team?
What are tools that guide us for a real sharing and being honest with each other?

This goes far beyond roles and responsibilities and is an ongoing process that might be confronting, allowing disagreements to emerge. It’s acknowledging each other’s authenticity – a conscious choice of how want to work together. It’s about the choice to show up and be real with each other, the choice to be seen and to be honest.

It is about knowing that we are all in this together.


Friederike Sommer
Stampfenbachstrasse 129
CH - 8006 Zuerich


Tel: +41 79 592 18 66
Email: fs@friederikesommer.com



Tel: +41 79 592 18 66


© Meera F. Sommer | Page last updated: 29.06.24