Who am I and what this life means for me became my biggest question when I reached adulthood. I dared to step out of a conventional path – education, marriage and motherhood, and took steps that I would never have envisioned. Let me tell you a bit about myself. I would say I had 4 major chapters in my life.

Starting an education I wasn't really interested in and questioning: “Is that it?” Finding meditation and a spiritual master and being curious what that meant. This inquiry has led me to a deeper understanding of wanting to explore my path in the world, working with people. I’ve moved to India in to an ashram with 1 objective – learn how to meditate –. I succeeded after 6 years, but also learnt a lot of other aspects: living in a foreign country, learning to ride a motorbike and exploring the country up to the Himalayas, lots of freedom, friendship, people on the path, path of love. Being back in the west and stepping into the corporate world. A fascinating world to learn their language, hierarchies, looking for opportunities that would allow me to further grow and develop.

Taking risks and having a solid and grounded understanding of “you can’t fail – everything is a learning – the ups as well as the downs”. After 7 years being an “insider” it was time to move on, explore the world outside and creating my own business as a trainer & consultant. Another 8 years of success and fulfillment with delivering executive leadership trainings across the globe, moderating and facilitating team development, being on stage, embracing the world of business and achievement

A Time Of Turning In
Himalayan Adventure

A Tour through Leh & Ladakh

F. Sommer


A mystery to be lived!

Taking That Jump

And rising to the challenge


Friederike Sommer
Stampfenbachstrasse 129
CH - 8006 Zuerich


Tel: +41 79 592 18 66
Email: fs@friederikesommer.com



Tel: +41 79 592 18 66


© Meera F. Sommer | Page last updated: 29.06.24